Negotiating irony through follow-ups: readers' comments on op-eds in the daily press.

E. Weizman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This presentation aims to examine how political irony is interpreted and evaluated
through the study of readers' perceptions manifest in their comments on ironic op-eds
in the daily press. The study presupposes an interactional view of irony, and perceives
the readers' follow-ups and perceives readers' follow-ups both as a methodological
tool, used to unveil readers' perception of irony, as well as a research topic, shedding
light on the ways irony is judged and taken up.
Drawing on a pragmatic discourse analysis, irony is identified in the op-eds and in the
readers' follow-ups based on pragmatic cues. A distinction is postulated between
various types of follow-ups. The analysis focuses on their forms and functions, and
shows how they are used to challenge or support the stance put forward in the op-ed.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationFollow-ups across discourse domains: A cross-cultural exploration of their forms and functions
EditorsAnita Fetzer, Elda Weizman, Elisabeth Reber
Place of PublicationWürzburg
PublisherUniversität Würzburg
StatePublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

Proceedings of an ESF strategic workshop, Wuerzburg, 30.5-2.6 2012.
Place of conference: Würzburg, Germany


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