Nebuliser hood compared to mask in wheezy infants: Aerosol therapy without tears!

I. Amirav, I. Balanov, M. Gorenberg, D. Groshar, A. S. Luder

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

66 Scopus citations


Background: Small volume nebulisers (SVNs) with masks commonly provide aerosol therapy for infants with lung diseases. However, infants and toddlers are often disturbed by and thus reject masks. Aims: To compare the lung deposition efficiency of the "usual" SVN aerosol mask and a prototype hood attached to an SVN. The advantage of the hood is that no mask is needed and medication can readily be administered during sleep. Methods: 99mTc salbutamol solution was administered at random by SVN plus mask or hood to 14 wheezy infants (mean age 8 (SD 5) months). The dose and distribution of salbutamol were evaluated using gamma scintigraphy. Clinical response, tolerability by the infants, and parent preference were also compared. Results: Mean total lung deposition was 2.6% with the hood and 2.4% with the mask (p > 0.05). Variability with the mask was greater than with the hood (coefficient of variation (CoV) 54% v 39%). Both treatments provided similar clinical benefit and side effects as reflected in improved oxygen saturation, reduced respiratory frequency, and increased heart rate. Infants accepted the hood better than the mask and there was a positive correlation between poor acceptance and upper airways and stomach deposition for both treatment modalities. Parents preferred the hood treatments. Conclusions: Aerosol therapy by hood is as efficient as by mask but provides a better therapeutic index. It is much better tolerated by infants and preferred by parents. Hood nebulisation is a simple and patient friendly mode of aerosol therapy in wheezy infants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)719-723
Number of pages5
JournalArchives of Disease in Childhood
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2003
Externally publishedYes


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