n-CuInSe2 photoelectrochemical cells

David Cahen, Y. W. Chen, R. Noufi, R. Ahrenkiel, R. Matson, Micha Tomkiewicz, Wu Mian Shen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


The results of a wide research program, aimed at improving the conversion efficiency of n-CuInSe2/liquid electrolyte solar cells, while maintaining the stability exhibited by this material in aqueous polysulfide, are described. Aqueous polyiodide is chosen as the electrolyte, on the basis of comparative studies with a number of aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. By making the polyiodide slightly acidic, both basic and acid electrolyte photo-oxidation can be avoided. Br2/MeOH is shown to be a good etchant for n-CuInSe2 and optimum conditions for its use are determined. Its chemical and physical effects studied. Chemically, a near-stoichiometric top layer is removed, leaving an O-rich surface. Physically, this treatment removes Fermi level pinning, possibly due to Se-related defect states. Subsequent air oxidation further improves cell performance and conditions for it are optimized. Chemically this treatment leads to formation of In-O bonds. Evidence is found for a low conductivity top layer, and for a ten-fold decrease in doping density, as compared to the etched sample, which is sufficient to explain the improved performance. Only the chemical etch has a significant effect on the charge collection efficiency, as measured by EBIC. From electrochemical decomposition, solid state chemical and surface composition studies we formulate stabilization strategies: adding Cu+ and In3+ to the solution and forming and additional indium oxide film on the electrode surface. In this way, stable, and 12% efficient cells are formed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)529-548
Number of pages20
JournalSolar Cells
Issue numberC
StatePublished - 1986
Externally publishedYes


Y.W.C. thanks SERI for a Directors Development Research Fellowship. At Brooklyn College the work was supported by SERI. D.C. thanks SERI for a very enjoyable sabbatical year. At the Weizmann Institute his work was supported by the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Jerusalem, and the Ministry of Research and Technology of the F.R.G. (BMFT), through the Israel National Council for Research and Development. Thanks are due to F. A. Thiel (A.T. & T. Bell Labs.), C. Rincon (Uni-versidad de Los Andes, M~rida, Venezuela) and K. J. Bachmann (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC) for single-crystal samples; to S. K. Deb, A. Hermann, W. Wallace and K. Zweibel (SERI) for encouragement, help and fruitful discussions; and to G. Dagan (Weizmann Institute of Science), J. C. W. Folmer, C. Herrington, P. J. Ireland, L. L. Kazmerski and J. A. Turner (SERI) for fruitful and enjoyable collaboration. SERI is operated under DOE Contract DE-AC02-83CH10092.

FundersFunder number
Israel National Council for Research and Development
Ministry of Research and Technology
U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
U.S. Department of EnergyDE-AC02-83CH10092
Singapore Eye Research Institute
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie


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