Modern approaches to therapeutic oligonucleotide manufacturing

R. Obexer, M. Nassir, E. R. Moody, P. S. Baran, S. L. Lovelock

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Therapeutic oligonucleotides are a powerful drug modality with the potential to treat many diseases. The rapidly growing number of therapies that have been approved and that are in advanced clinical trials will place unprecedented demands on our capacity to manufacture oligonucleotides at scale. Existing methods based on solid-phase phosphoramidite chemistry are limited by their scalability and sustainability, and new approaches are urgently needed to deliver the multiton quantities of oligonucleotides that are required for therapeutic applications. The chemistry community has risen to the challenge by rethinking strategies for oligonucleotide production. Advances in chemical synthesis, biocatalysis, and process engineering technologies are leading to increasingly efficient and selective routes to oligonucleotide sequences. We review these developments, along with remaining challenges and opportunities for innovations that will allow the sustainable manufacture of diverse oligonucleotide products.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number6692
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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