Los erotikoì lógoi de Lisias y la moral griega

MA Lozano Nembrot

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this work I will analyze two speechesattributed to the Greek speechwriter Lysias, witchboth can be considered erotikoì lógoi, becausethey deal with erotic subjects. On one hand, thespeech number III, a forensic conflict betweentwo Athenian citizens who fight over a boy fromPlataia; and on the other hand, the first speechfrom the platonic Phaedrus, ascribed to this orator. With the aim of giving a new perspective tothe problem of the authorship of this last speech,I will compare the way in which this discoursestalk about éros and passion. I will try to demonstrate that both speeches suggest a common ideaabout desire, which is considered like an illness(nósos) that only brings to catastrophic situations
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)51-67
Number of pages17
JournalRevista Symploké
StatePublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

Query date: 2024-02-26 13:14:53

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