Local structure changes in V2O3 below and above the metal-insulator transition

A. I. Frenkel, E. A. Stern, F. A. Chudnovsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


According to diffraction measurements of the average structure, V2O3 changes on heating from monoclinic to trigonal, accompanied by a 1.4% volume decrease, where some V - V distances decrease by about 0.11 Å, favoring the Mott - Hubbard mechanism of the phase transition from insulator to metal. Our x-ray absorption fine structure measurements of the local structure of the single crystal V2O3 show the same decrease in volume but no change in local symmetry in the transition, indicating that the phase transition contains a significant order-disorder component, contrary to the purely displacive model based on diffraction results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)637-641
Number of pages5
JournalSolid State Communications
Issue number9
StatePublished - Jun 1997
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The wealtho f informationw e obtainedf rom these measurementssh ould narrow the possiblet heoreti-cal explanationsI.n particular,t hought he changesin someV - V distancesa rea ctuallys ignificantlyle sst han givenb y the averages tructuret,h ec hangein volumei s thes ames uggestinvgo lumec hangeis them orei mpor-tant parameterT. he role of disordera nd the lack of local symmetryc hangei n the transitiont o the metallic and paramagnetisct atesn eedst o be accountedfo r in any theory. Obtaining a better understandingo f thesem aterialsm aya lsoc ontributet o theu nderstand-ing of other classeso f materialsc ontainingc orrelated electronss ucha s stronglyc orrelatedm etalsa nd high-temperaturesu perconductors. Acknowledgements-We would like to thank D. Haskel, B. Ravel and S. Kelly for help in synchrotron measurementasn d Prof. B. Spivak for usefuld iscus-sions. One of the authors (AIF) was partially supported by DOE grant DEFG02-96ER45439t hrough the Materials ResearchL aboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigna nd another( EAS) was partially supported by DOE grant DEFGO6-90ER45425.


The wealtho f informationw e obtainedf rom these measurementssh ould narrow the possiblet heoreti-cal explanationsI.n particular,t hought he changesin someV - V distancesa rea ctuallys ignificantlyle sst han givenb y the averages tructuret,h ec hangein volumei s thes ames uggestinvgo lumec hangeis them orei mpor-tant parameterT. he role of disordera nd the lack of local symmetryc hangei n the transitiont o the metallic and paramagnetisct atesn eedst o be accountedfo r in any theory. Obtaining a better understandingo f thesem aterialsm aya lsoc ontributet o theu nderstand-ing of other classeso f materialsc ontainingc orrelated electronss ucha s stronglyc orrelatedm etalsa nd high-temperaturesu perconductors. Acknowledgements-We would like to thank D. Haskel, B. Ravel and S. Kelly for help in synchrotron measurementasn d Prof. B. Spivak for usefuld iscus-sions. One of the authors (AIF) was partially supported by DOE grant DEFG02-96ER45439t hrough the Materials ResearchL aboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigna nd another( EAS) was partially supported by DOE grant DEFGO6-90ER45425.

FundersFunder number
U.S. Department of EnergyDEFGO6-90ER45425


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