Late quaternary earthquake chronology from luminescence dating of colluvial and alluvial deposits of the Arava Valley, Israel

Naomi Porat, Ann G. Wintle, Rivka Amit, Yehouda Enzel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

54 Scopus citations


Luminescence ages help provide a time scale for recurrent surface ruptures on a normal fault in the southern Arava, Israel. The dated samples come from alluvium and colluvium along a fault scarp north of Elat. The ages, obtained mainly by infrared stimulation of sand-size potassium feldspar grains, accord with geomorphic age estimates from soils and degraded scarps. Four large earthquakes occurred between 37,000 and 14,000 yr ago. Five smaller earthquakes occurred thereafter continuing until recent times. The mean recurrence interval for earthquakes of magnitudes greater than 6 is about 4000 yr.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-117
Number of pages11
JournalQuaternary Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Sep 1996
Externally publishedYes


This study was partially funded by the Licensing Division of The Israeli Atomic Energy Commission; we especially thank Y. Weiler for his encouragement and helpful review. A travel grant to A.G.W. from the British Academic Study Group and a travel grant to N.P. from the British Council enabled field and lab work. N.P. greatly appreciates the assistance given by G.A.T. Duller, M.L. Clarke, and C.A. Richardson during her stay at the Aberystwyth Luminescence Laboratory. We thank B. Katz for editorial assistance and B. Cohen for drafting the figures. An earlier version of this paper benefited from thorough reviews by S.L. Forman and J.P. McCalpin.

FundersFunder number
British Academic Study Group
Licensing Division of The Israeli Atomic Energy Commission
British Council


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