"It really works like this": Hybrid forms of management culture in Thailand and Israel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Interviews with Thai and Israeli managers of two global corporations headquartered in Sweden and the US show how these managers negotiate their own everyday management practices in relation to the corporate practices. Through this negotiation, the local managers, keeping highly regarded management practices of their own while adopting values and practices from the corporations' management cultures, produce new hybrid forms of management culture. The article concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications of the negotiation and hybridization of the two corporations' management cultures by the local managers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-163
Number of pages9
JournalEuropean Management Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2011

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
I would like to thank the participants of the ethnography colloquium in the Department of Anthropology at Yale University, and especially to Bill Kelly, for their comments on a presentation (partially) based on this article. Thanks to Eyal Ben-Ari from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for his insightful comments. Deep thanks to John Van Maanen for supporting and hosting me at MIT’s Sloan School of Management during the field work process. A special thanks to Harriet Bergmann from Yale University for her advice and comments. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the financial support that I have received from ISEF (International Sephardic Education Foundation) and from the Morris Ginsberg Foundation of the Hebrew University – without their help this article could not have been written. Baruch Shimoni is a lecturer in the department of Sociology and Anthropology at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He has a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and did his post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Anthropology at Yale University. His dissertation is based on ethnographic research conducted in five countries and is focused on the global development of management cultures. Baruch Shimoni integrates cultural anthropology with management studies, with a focus on cross-cultural management.


  • Cultural hybridization
  • Cultural imposition
  • Management culture
  • Managers' stories


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