Islamic extremism and the peace process

Efraim Inbar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This article first discusses the negative attitude of Islamic radical groups toward Israel and the peace process. It then presents an assessment of the long run potential of the Islamic radicals, as well as their present politico-military capabilities to harm the peace process. The article focuses on the capacity of Islamic radicals to subvert or intimidate the pro-peace Arab regimes, wage war and develop nuclear capabilities. It ends with some observations on how the activities of Islamic extremists influence the ongoing political debate in Israel on the future of the peace process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-215
Number of pages17
JournalTerrorism and Political Violence
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1996

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
At the end of 1992, Hamas signed an agreement of cooperation with Iran. The latter committed itself to train Hamas members and to grant the organization generous financial support.21 Sudan also provides training to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. Hizballah, in Lebanon, is also under Iranian tutelage and is allowed freedom of action by Iran's secular ally, Syria. It fights the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and the South Lebanese Army, and occasionally launches Katyusha attacks on Israeli border communities. Moreover, in early 1993, Iran supplied Hizballah with Soviet-made antitank Sagger missiles. These significantly increased Hizballah's firepower and ability to harm Israeli forces and allies. According to then Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, Mordechai Gur, the Hizballah began to fire shoulder surface-to-air missiles against Israeli helicopters in fall 1994.29


At the end of 1992, Hamas signed an agreement of cooperation with Iran. The latter committed itself to train Hamas members and to grant the organization generous financial support.21 Sudan also provides training to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. Hizballah, in Lebanon, is also under Iranian tutelage and is allowed freedom of action by Iran's secular ally, Syria. It fights the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and the South Lebanese Army, and occasionally launches Katyusha attacks on Israeli border communities. Moreover, in early 1993, Iran supplied Hizballah with Soviet-made antitank Sagger missiles. These significantly increased Hizballah's firepower and ability to harm Israeli forces and allies. According to then Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, Mordechai Gur, the Hizballah began to fire shoulder surface-to-air missiles against Israeli helicopters in fall 1994.29


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