Invited Article: Distributed analysis of nonlinear wave mixing in fiber due to forward Brillouin scattering and Kerr effects

Yosef London, Hilel Hagai Diamandi, Gil Bashan, Avi Zadok

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28 Scopus citations


Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering (F-SBS) is a third-order nonlinear-optical mechanism that couples between two co-propagating optical fields and a guided acoustic mode in a common medium. F-SBS gives rise to nonlinear wave mixing along optical fibers, which adds up with four-wave mixing induced by the Kerr effect. In this work, we report the distributed mapping of nonlinear wave mixing processes involving both mechanisms along standard single-mode fiber, in analysis, simulation, and experiment. Measurements are based on a multi-tone, optical time-domain reflectometry setup, which is highly frequency-selective. The results show that F-SBS leads to nonlinear wave mixing processes that are more complex than those that are driven by the Kerr effect alone. The dynamics are strongly dependent on the exact frequency detuning between optical field components. When the detuning is chosen near an F-SBS resonance, the process becomes asymmetric. Power is coupled from an upper-frequency input pump wave to a lower-frequency one, and the amplification of Stokes-wave sidebands is more pronounced than that of anti-Stokes-wave sidebands. The results are applicable to a new class of distributed fiber-optic sensors, based on F-SBS.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110804
JournalAPL Photonics
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 Author(s).


The authors thank Professor Mark Shtaif of Tel-Aviv University, Israel, for his advice on modeling of the Kerr effect in fiber. The authors acknowledge the financial support of the European Research Council (ERC), Grant No. H2020-ERC-2015-STG 679228 (L-SID), and of the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 61047.

FundersFunder number
Israeli ministry of science and technology61047
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme679228
European Commission


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