Individual EEG alpha profiles are gender-dependent and indicate subjective experiences in Whole-Body Perceptual Deprivation

Joseph Glicksohn, Aviva Berkovich-Ohana, Federica Mauro, Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


We use a unique environment of Whole Body Perceptual Deprivation (WBPD) to induce an altered state of consciousness (ASC) in our participants, and employ online EEG recording. We present individual EEG alpha profiles, and show how these data can be analyzed at the individual level. Our goal is to investigate to what degree subjective experience matches EEG alpha profile, and in particular, the various alpha hemispheric asymmetries observed in the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Specifically, we consider positive (frontal L < R) or negative (frontal L > R) affect; a more verbal (L > R) or a more imagistic (R > L) mode of thinking; and a more trancelike (frontal > parietal) or more reflective (frontal < parietal) state of consciousness. Our results indicate that the individual alpha profiles are reflected in individual differences in subjective experience. However, the alpha profiles are confounded with the gender of the participant. Specifically, there is a predominant R > L asymmetry found for male participants, and a predominant L > R asymmetry found for female participants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-92
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd


We thank Monika Harvey and our two anonymous readers for their insightful comments on this paper. This research was supported by a grant from the Bial Foundation ( 228/14 ). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

FundersFunder number
Fundação Bial228/14


    • Alpha
    • EEG
    • Ganzfeld
    • Gender
    • Whole-Body Perceptual Deprivation


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