Hydrogen peroxide commences copper induced DNA damage isolated from human blood: In vitro study

Rajendra Prasad, Sheetal R. Kumar, Sandeep Kumar

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6 Scopus citations


The present study revealed the damaging effects of copper and hydrogen peroxide on DNA isolated from human blood in in vitro. Ultra violet spectral studies showed that copper and H2O2 alone (at 20 mM) caused destabilization of DNA structure. Notwithstanding, the effect was more prominent in combination of copper and H2O2. Further, agarose gel electrophoretic studies revealed that neither copper nor H 2O2 alone had DNA fragmentation (up to 40 mM concentration), while copper and H2O2 together caused massive DNA fragmentation even at lower concentrations (4 mM copper + 4 mM H2O2). Therefore, it was concluded from the present study that the observed destabilization of DNA associated with alterations in configuration and subsequently massive DNA fragmentation was in response to copper and H2O2. Further, fluorescence spectroscopy and TUNNEL assay will address destabilization and fragmentation of naked DNA more precisely.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)377-380
Number of pages4
JournalIndian Journal of Experimental Biology
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • Copper
  • DNA damage
  • DNA fragmentation
  • Hydrogen peroxide


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