High School Identity Climate and Student Identity Development

Yisrael Rich, Elli P. Schachter

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This research investigated whether schools characterized by high school students as being rich in identity promoting features contribute to student identity development. A theoretical model posited that student perceptions of teachers as caring role models and their school as cultivating the whole student will foster student exploration and confidence about future identity development. Hypothesized mediators of these effects were student perceptions of a positive social climate, of experiencing meaningful studies and of affirmation of their agency and exploration. Participants were 2787 male and female students from the Jewish public-religious sector in Israel in 152 classes of 25 high schools. Results indicated that (a) schools with identity promoting features contribute to student identity development, (b) teachers as role models is a more potent variable than teacher caring in predicting student identity development and (c) experiencing meaningful studies is an especially important contributor to student exploration and identity confidence.
    Original languageAmerican English
    StatePublished - 2011
    Event119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association - Washington, DC., United States
    Duration: 1 Aug 20111 Aug 2011


    Conference119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityWashington, DC.


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