Hellenistic residences at Maresha (Marissa)

Boaz Zissu, Amos Kloner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The Hellenistic city of Maresha consists of an Upper City built on a mound and a Lower City surrounding it, with subterranean complexes cut in the bedrock below them. The article presents a summary of the main finds in the Upper City and concentrates on the residential areas excavated in the Lower City. The article deals with the architecture of residences in Areas 53, 61 and 930 and addresses issues as layout, chronology, urban planning, site extent, population estimation, production activities, agricultural industries and economy, and relationship of the houses to the subterranean complexes below them. Finds as imported and local pottery, weights, coins and terracottas, uncovered in the excavations are presented and discussed as well.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationCornucopia, Studies in Honor of Arthur Segal
EditorsM. Eisenberg, A. Ovadiah
Place of PublicationRome
PublisherGiorgio Bretschneider Editore
ISBN (Print)978-88-7689-315-5
StatePublished - 2019

Publication series


Bibliographical note

Studies in Honor of Arthur Segal


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