Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Bronchial Asthma: Joint Recommendations of National College of Chest Physicians (India) and Indian Chest Society

Ritesh Agarwal, Sahajal Dhooria, Ashutosh N.ath Aggarwal, Venkata N. Maturu, Inderpaul S. Sehgal, Valliappan Muthu, K. T. Prasad, Lakshmikant B. Yenge, Navneet Singh, Digambar Behera, Surinder K. Jindal, Dheeraj Gupta, Thanagakunam Balamugesh, Ashish Bhalla, Dhruva Chaudhry, S. K. Chhabra, Ramesh Chokhani, Vishal Chopra, Devendra S. Dadhwal, George D'SouzaMandeep Garg, S. N. Gaur, Bharat Gopal, Aloke G. Ghoshal, Randeep Guleria, K. B. Gupta, Indranil Haldar, Sanjay Jain, Nirmal K. Jain, V. K. Jain, A. K. Janmeja, Surya Kant, Surender Kashyap, G. C. Khilnani, Jai Kishan, Raj Kumar, Parvaiz Koul, Ashok Mahashur, Amit K. Mandal, Samir Malhotra, Sabir Mohammed, Prasanta R. Mohapatra, Dharmesh Patel, Rajendra Prasad, J. K. Samaria, P. Sarat, Honey Sawhney, Nusrat Shafiq, U. P.S. Sidhu, Rupak Singla, J. C. Suri, Deepak Talwar, Subhash Varma

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7 Scopus citations


Bronchial asthma is an important public health problem in India with significant morbidity. Several international guidelines for diagnosis and management of asthma are available, however there is a need for country-specific guidelines due to vast differences in availability and affordability of health-care facilities across the globe. The Indian Chest Society (ICS) and the National College of Chest Physicians (NCCP) of India have collaborated to develop evidence-based guidelines with an aim to assist physicians at all levels of health-care in diagnosis and management of asthma in a scientific manner. Besides a systematic review of the literature, Indian studies were specifically analysed to arrive at simple and practical recommendations. The evidence is presented under these five headings: (1) definitions, epidemiology and impact, (2) diagnosis, (3) pharmacologic management of stable disease, (4) management of acute exacerbations, and (5) non-pharmacologic management and special situations. The modified grade system was used for classifying the quality of evidence as 1, 2, 3, or usual practice point (UPP). The strength of recommendation was graded as A or B depending upon the level of evidence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-52
Number of pages48
JournalThe Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciences
StatePublished - 2015


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