Grammar predicts procedural learning and consolidation deficits in children with Specific Language Impairment

Martina Hedenius, Jonas Persson, Antoine Tremblay, Esther Adi-Japha, João Veríssimo, Cristina D. Dye, Per Alm, Margareta Jennische, J. Bruce Tomblin, Michael T. Ullman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    116 Scopus citations


    The Procedural Deficit Hypothesis (PDH) posits that Specific Language Impairment (SLI) can be largely explained by abnormalities of brain structures that subserve procedural memory. The PDH predicts impairments of procedural memory itself, and that such impairments underlie the grammatical deficits observed in the disorder. Previous studies have indeed reported procedural learning impairments in SLI, and have found that these are associated with grammatical difficulties. The present study extends this research by examining consolidation and longer-term procedural sequence learning in children with SLI. The Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task was given to children with SLI and typically developing (TD) children in an initial learning session and an average of three days later to test for consolidation and longer-term learning. Although both groups showed evidence of initial sequence learning, only the TD children showed clear signs of consolidation, even though the two groups did not differ in longer-term learning. When the children were re-categorized on the basis of grammar deficits rather than broader language deficits, a clearer pattern emerged. Whereas both the grammar impaired and normal grammar groups showed evidence of initial sequence learning, only those with normal grammar showed consolidation and longer-term learning. Indeed, the grammar-impaired group appeared to lose any sequence knowledge gained during the initial testing session. These findings held even when controlling for vocabulary or a broad non-grammatical language measure, neither of which were associated with procedural memory. When grammar was examined as a continuous variable over all children, the same relationships between procedural memory and grammar, but not vocabulary or the broader language measure, were observed. Overall, the findings support and further specify the PDH. They suggest that consolidation and longer-term procedural learning are impaired in SLI, but that these impairments are specifically tied to the grammatical deficits in the disorder. The possibility that consolidation and longer-term learning are problematic in the disorder suggests a locus of potential study for therapeutic approaches. In sum, this study clarifies our understanding of the underlying deficits in SLI, and suggests avenues for further research.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2362-2375
    Number of pages14
    JournalResearch in Developmental Disabilities
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - Nov 2011

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    This work was supported by Uppsala University , the Sven Jerring Foundation , the Sunnerdahl Foundation , the Mable H. Flory Charitable Trust , and NIH R01 HD049347 . The authors wish to thank Darlene Howard, Jim Howard, Dezso Nemeth, Connie Ferguson, Marlea O’Brien, Marcia ST Clair, Håkan Aldskogius, Lena Karlsson, Matthew Gelfand, and Kaitlyn Litcofsky for various contributions. The authors are deeply grateful to all the participating children and their parents.


    • Consolidation
    • Grammar
    • Procedural memory
    • Specific Language Impairment
    • The Procedural Deficit Hypothesis (PDH)


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