Gender Differences in Relations Between Social Information Processing, PTSD Symptoms, and Intimate Partner Violence

Ohad Gilbar, Casey T. Taft, Katherine E. Gnall

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Objective: Prior research indicates a connection between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social information processing (SIP) cognitive biases, and use of intimate partner violence (IPV) by men. However, little to no work has examined gender differences together with dyadic-level factors for these associations. Method: We used a dyadic actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) framework to examine these associations across women and men in a community sample of 73 couples. Questionnaires assessing actorand partner-reported PTSD symptoms and IPV were used, as well as the laboratory-based Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations protocol to examine cognitive biases via participant responses to angerprovoking relationship scenarios. Results: Overall, the APIM model showed a higher fit level compared to the unconstrained dyadic model, suggesting that men and women responded equally as actors and as partners. Results indicated an indirect actor to actor effect, such that PTSD symptoms had an indirect effect on physical IPV via cognitive biases, b = 0.006, p <.05, 95% CI [0.001, 0.013]. In addition, the actor to actor effect of PTSD on psychological IPV through cognitive biases was significant, b = 0.002, p <.01, 95% CI [0.001, 0.040]. The actor to partner effect from PTSD to physical, psychological, and injurious IPV through cognitive biases was found, b = 0.006, p <.05, 95% CI [0.001, 0.0012]; b = 0.002, p <.05, 95% CI [0.000, 0.004]; b = 0.008, p <.05, 95% CI [0.002, 0.0015], respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-548
Number of pages10
JournalPsychology of Violence
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 American Psychological Association


This study was funded by National Institute of Mental Health Award K08 MH73117 01A2 to Casey T. Taft

FundersFunder number
National Institute of Mental HealthK08 MH73117 01A2


    • couples/dyadic systems
    • gender differences
    • intimate partner violence (IPV)
    • posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • social information processing


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