Free energies and enthalpies of possible gas phase and surface reactions for preparation of CuInSe2

David Cahen, Rommel Noufi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

69 Scopus citations


On the basis of literature data of thermodynamic quantities and functions for species that can be involved in the preparation of thin films of CuInSe2, we calculate free energies for a number of possible reactions. The reactions that are considered are especially relevant for the three-source vacuum evaporation process and for selenization of CuIn alloys. Reactions of species that can be present in the gas phase, with oxygen, are also considered. Where possible, free energies of reaction are calculated at temperatures relevant for these preparation processes. In some cases, only enthalpies of reaction could be given. We include a compilation of free energies and enthalpies of formation for I-III-VI2 compounds and related binary chalcogenides. This can help future calculations of the type presented here for other I-III-VI2 compounds.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)991-1005
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 1992
Externally publishedYes


Acknowledgments-This work was performed at SERI under Contract No. DE-AC0283CHl0093 with the U.S. Departmenot f Energy.D . Cahent hankst he Solar Energy ResearchIn stitutef or its hospitalityd, uringt he periodt hat this compilationw ass tarteda, nd the IsraelN ationalC oun-cil for R&D and the KFA Jillich (Germany)f or partial support, in Rehovot. We would also like to thank the reviewersfo r theirt horoughr eviewo f them anuscripwt hich has contributeds ignificantlyt o the correctnesos f the data and theiri nternalc onsistencya, s well as to the clarityo f the presentationo f the paper.

FundersFunder number
U.S. Department of Energy
Singapore Eye Research InstituteDE-AC0283CHl0093


    • CuGaSe
    • CuInSe
    • Gibbs free energy
    • enthalpy
    • heat formation
    • synthesis control


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