We study two-dimensional (2D) fronts propagating up a comoving reaction rate gradient in finite number reaction-diffusion systems. We show that in a 2D rectangular channel, planar solutions to the deterministic mean-field equation are stable with respect to deviations from planarity. We argue that planar fronts in the corresponding stochastic system, on the other hand, are unstable if the channel width exceeds a critical value. Furthermore, the velocity of the stochastic fronts is shown to depend on the channel width in a simple and interesting way, in contrast to fronts in the deterministic mean-field equation. Thus fluctuations alter the behavior of these fronts in an essential way. These effects are shown to be partially captured by introducing a density cutoff in the reaction rate. Moreover, some of the predictions of the cutoff mean-field approach are shown to be in quantitative accord with the stochastic results.