Extracorporeal removal of specific antibodies by hemoperfusion through the immunosorbent agarose‐polyacrolein microsphere beads: Removal of anti‐bovine serum albumin in animals

Leon Marcus, Aharon Mashiah, Michael Offarim, Shlomo Margel

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4 Scopus citations


We describe (1) the production of a unique immunosorbent system, agarose‐polyacrolein microsphere beads (APAMB) for removal of a specific antibody, anti BSA, and (2) its efficacy in animal trials. This is a model system for hemoperfusive removal of specific antibodies or antigens directly from whole blood. The agarose beads (1.0 mm mean diameter) contain thousands of microspheres of 0.2 m̈m mean diameter. The microspheres which contain the ligand are encapsulated within an agarose matrix to confer physical strength, biocompatibility, spacial configuration, and porosity allowing rapid entry of plasma for reaction. Any antigen may be linked covalently to spacers on the polyacrolein microspheres to remove a specific antibody, or vice versa. Thus the APAMB remove specific molecules in contrast to the charcoal or ion exchange resins currently in use. Removal of antibody is efficient and rapid, therefore, short hemoperfusive times may be used. The beads are biocompatible; there are negligible decreases in RBC, WBC and platelets. Electrolytes and other soluble components also are minimally affected. Therapy, at the least palliative, of autoimmune disorders i.e., multiple myeloma, macroglobinemia, autohemolytic anemias, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, etc, is potentially available with this or its further improved versions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1153-1167
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Biomedical Materials Research
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes


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