Expansion microscopy: enabling single cell analysis in intact biological systems

Shahar Alon, Grace H. Huynh, Edward S. Boyden

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


There is a need for single cell analysis methods that enable the identification and localization of different kinds of biomolecules throughout cells and intact tissues, thereby allowing characterization and classification of individual cells and their relationships to each other within intact systems. Expansion microscopy (ExM) is a technology that physically magnifies tissues in an isotropic way, thereby achieving super-resolution microscopy on diffraction-limited microscopes, enabling rapid image acquisition and large field of view. As a result, ExM is well-positioned to integrate molecular content and cellular morphology, with the spatial precision sufficient to resolve individual biological building blocks, and the scale and accessibility required to deploy over extended 3-D objects like tissues and organs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1482-1494
Number of pages13
JournalFEBS Journal
Issue number8
StatePublished - Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies


For funding ESB acknowledges the HHMI-Simons Fellowship, John Doerr, the Open Philanthropy project, IARPA D16PC00008, NIH Grants 1R01MH103910, 1RM1HG008525, 1R01MH110932, 1R01EB024261 and 1R01NS102727, the Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge, and U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract/Grant Number W911NF1510548. SA is a HHMI fellow of the LSRF. We thank all members of the Synthetic Neurobiology group for helpful discussions.

FundersFunder number
Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge
HHMI-SimonsIARPA D16PC00008
U.S. Army Research Office
National Institutes of Health1R01EB024261, 1R01MH103910, 1R01MH110932, 1R01NS102727
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
National Human Genome Research InstituteRM1HG008525
Army Research Laboratory
U.S. Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryW911NF1510548
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects ActivityD16PC00008


    • FISH
    • expansion microscopy
    • genomics
    • morphology
    • multiplexing
    • single cell analysis
    • super-resolution microscopy


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