Epigenetic Programming of Hypothalamic Pomc Regulates Feeding and Obesity

A. Marco, A. Weller, N. Meiri

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The environment can have a long-lasting influence on an individual’s
physiology and behavior. While some environmental conditions can be benefi -
cial and result in adaptive responses, others can lead to pathological behaviors
(Franklin et al. Neuron 75:747—761, 2012). The period of perinatal development
is one of the most critical windows during which adverse conditions can infl u-
ence the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the offspring’s postna-
tal health and behavior (Franklin et al. Neuron 75:747—761, 2012). Moreover,
recent evidence points to the possibility that changes which occur in the indi-
vidual can sometimes pass between generations even if the offspring are not
directly exposed to the stimulus (Gapp et al. Biology 36:491—502, 2014).
Epigenetic alterations are prime candidates for the major molecular mechanism
acting at the interface between genetic and environmental factors. Different
studies showed that environmental factors, such as fetal alcohol exposure,
maternal stress, under or overnutrition, or smoking exposure during sensitive
periods affect gene expression in the offspring via altering epigenetic mecha-
nisms, sometimes even across multiple generations
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationEpigenetics and Neuroendocrinology Clinical Focus on Psychiatry
EditorsD. Spengler, E. Binder
ISBN (Electronic)9783319299013
ISBN (Print)9783319244914
StatePublished - 2016

Publication series

NameEpigenetics and Human Health


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