EnPlace®: A truly minimally invasive vaginal pelvic organ prolapse suspension with no deep dissection and no mesh, personal 581 operations experience

Natalia Sumerova, Jonatan Neuman, Reka Fabian-Kovacs, Shahrokh F. Shariat, Menahem Neuman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes of safety and efficacy of a minimally invasive, meshless anchoring system-the EnPlace® SSL fixation for apical POP repair in 581 patients. Materials and Methods: The patients follow-up exams and questionnaires were performed and completed first day after surgery, one and four months after. Anatomical and functional cure rates, post-operative complication rate and severity, as well as urine and bowel symptoms, post-operative pain and dyspareunia levels, were all used as outcome measures. Results: The mean age of the study population (n=581) was 63.5±10.7 years. Fifty-two (9.9%) patients had a previous hysterectomy and 117 (22.3%) patients had urinary stress incontinence (USI) symptoms. All women had a prolapse in a minimum of two compartments and at least one compartment was at stage III. Preoperative C point pelvic organ prolapse (POP)-quantification showed a mean of 1.44 (-2-12). 99.2% of patients had concomitant anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. 20% of patients had an addition of a midurethral sling due to USI symptoms. POPs, USI and overactive bladder symptoms were all found to be reduced significantly. However, the prevalence of de novo dyspareunia among sexually active women was 1.7% (0.7% increase). The patient’s satisfaction rates at the 4 months follow-up was 92.1%. Conclusions: SSL fixation is made simple to execute with the EnPlace® device, which prevents mesh and dissection-related issues by allowing quick and a suspending suture being safely inserted through the SSL. The EnPlace® operation, done weather with or without concomitant colporrhaphy, produced positive objective and subjective results and low recurrence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-112
Number of pages7
Issue number3
StatePublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, Galenos Publishing House. All rights reserved.


  • Anchor
  • meshless
  • minimally invasive surgical procedure
  • pelvic floor disorders
  • prolapse
  • sacrospinous fixation


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