El "Dialogus pro Ecclesia contra Synagogam": un tratado anónimo de polémica antijudía

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


An edition and study of "Dyalogus Ecclesie et Sinagoge", a medieval polemical work of the "adversus Judaeos" genre rejecting the "errors" and caducity of Judaism and the Talmud while proclaiming Jesus' messianism. The Latin text (BNM, Inc. 2661) belongs to a series of 13th-century texts of Talmudic excerpts, and is here reproduced with a prologue by the Converso jurist Gonzalo García de Santa María (ca. 1497, Zaragoza) on pp. 690-732. Attributes the text to Converso Thibaut de Sézanne, who was directly associated with the Paris Talmud burning of 1242.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)679-732
Number of pages54
JournalHispania; revista española de historia
StatePublished - 1994

Bibliographical note

Including edition of the text (pp. 690-732).

RAMBI Publications

  • RAMBI Publications
  • Gonzalo García de Santa María
  • Theobald of Sézanne
  • Dialogus pro Ecclesia contra Synagogam
  • Jews -- Spain
  • Judaism -- Relations -- Christianity
  • Christianity and other religions -- Judaism
  • Antisemitism -- Spain -- History -- To 1500
  • Antisemitism -- France -- History -- Middle Ages, 500-1500

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