Efficient parametric amplification in double-A systems without maximal two-photon coherence

H. Shpaisman, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, H. Friedmann

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24 Scopus citations


The behavior of transverse intensity profiles (TIP) of continuous waves (cw) copropagating beams that interact with a double-λ system was investigated. The efficient frequency conversion was shown without focusing or ring formation, can occur at distances which were much shorter than those required to establish coherent population trapping (CPT). Energy transfer was shown from the strong field to the weak field due to FWM and it occurs at a very short propagation length. The effective linear and third-order contributions to the off-diagonal density-matrix elements were considered to explain the behavior of the TIP's of the beams on propagation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number063814
Pages (from-to)063814-1-063814-8
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2004


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