Device and Method for Luminescence Enhancement by Resonant Energy Transfer from an Absorptive Thin Film

Gleb M. Akselrod (Inventor), Moungi G. Bawendi (Inventor), Vladimir Bulovic (Inventor), Jonathan R. Tischler (Inventor), William A. Tisdale (Inventor), Brian J. Walker (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Disclosed are a device and a method for the design and fabrication of the device for enhancing the brightness of luminescent molecules, nanostructures, and thin films. The device includes a mirror, a dielectric medium or spacer, an absorptive layer, and a luminescent layer. The absorptive layer is a continuous thin film of a strongly absorbing organic or inorganic material. The luminescent layer may be a continuous luminescent thin film or an arrangement of isolated luminescent species, e.g., organic or metal-organic dye molecules, semiconductor quantum dots, or other semiconductor nanostructures, supported on top of the absorptive layer.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS8908261B2
StatePublished - 2014


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