Design and fabrication of 1 × 2 nanophotonic switch

Zeev Zalevsky, Asaf Shahmoon, Maoz Birenboim, Aviad Frydman

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3 Scopus citations


We present the design and the fabrication of a novel 1×2 nanophotonic switch. The switch is a photonic T-junction in which a gold nano particle is being positioned in the junction using the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM). The novelty of this 12 switch is related to its ability to control the direction of wave that propagates along a photonic structure. The selectivity of the direction is determined by a gold nanoparticle having dimension of a few tens of nanometer. This particle can be shifted. The shift of the gold nano particle can be achieved by applying voltage or by illuminating it with a light source. The shifts of the particle, inside the air gap, direct the input beam ones to the left output of the junction and once to its right output. Three types of simulations have been done in order to realize the photonic T-junction, and they are as follows: photonic crystal structures, waveguide made out of PMMA, and a silicon waveguide.

Original languageEnglish
Article number953212
JournalJournal of Nanotechnology
StatePublished - 2010


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