Data mining techniques for detection of sleep arousals

Oren Shmiel, Tomer Shmiel, Yaron Dagan, Mina Teicher

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24 Scopus citations


Arousals are considered one of the main causes of daytime sleepiness. They impede the proper flow of sleep cycles and cause weariness. Manual scoring of arousals is time-consuming, requires expert knowledge, and has high inter-scorer variability. A major difficulty in detecting arousals automatically is the existing variance across patients. Based on data mining techniques, we present a different approach to the automatic detection of arousals that overcomes the hurdle of differences in signal characteristics across patients. Offline we used a training-set of adult patients to define a set of general rules to detect arousals (termed meta-rules). This was done by analyzing the correlations between occurrences of arousals and the EEG, EMG, pulse and SaO2 signals as follows: (1) each signal was mathematically projected into several spaces (termed projected-signals); (2) from each such projected-signal, the algorithm extracted time points that indicated meaningful changes (termed critical-points); (3) data mining techniques were applied to all the critical-points to discover patterns of repeating behavior; (4) classes of patterns which were highly correlated with manually scored arousals were formalized as meta-rules. Online we used a test-set of adult patients from two other different sleep laboratories. Using the meta-rules, the algorithm extracted individual rules for each patient (termed actual-rules), and used them to automatically detect the patients' arousals. These arousals were significantly correlated (R = 0.88, p < 0.0001; sensitivity = 75.2%, positive predictive value = 76.5%) with those detected manually by experts. Since the total number of arousals is a measure of sleep quality, this algorithm constitutes a novel approach to automatically estimate sleep quality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-337
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Neuroscience Methods
Issue number2
StatePublished - 15 May 2009


  • Algorithm
  • Arousals
  • Automatic detection
  • Clustering
  • Data mining
  • Sleep


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