Cryptoferromagnetism in superconductors with a broken time-reversal symmetry

E. B. Sonin, N. A. Logoboy

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3 Scopus citations


The cryptoferromagnetic (CFM) state (the state with intrinsic domain structure) in superconducting ferromagnets subjected to external magnetic field is studied theoretically. Ferromagnetism (broken time-reversal symmetry) originates either from electron spin or from orbital moment of Cooper pairs (chiral p-wave superconductors like Sr2RuO4). We suggest the phase diagram, where the CFM state is present together with the Meissner and the mixed states. The size of domains in the CFM state is roughly of the order of the London penetration depth and in contrast to normal ferromagnets does not depend on either shape or size of the sample. At the scales much larger than the London penetration depth the spontaneous magnetization is absent in average, therefore the state is called cryptoferromagnetic. In contrast to the fully diamagnetic Meissner state or the partially diamagnetic mixed state, the CFM state is paramagnetic. The CFM state can be detected experimentally with detailed measurements of magnetization curves.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052245
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


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