Counterexamples to the Kotani-Last conjecture for continuum Schrödinger operators via character-automorphic Hardy spaces

David Damanik, Peter Yuditskii

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The Kotani-Last conjecture states that every ergodic operator in one space dimension with non-empty absolutely continuous spectrum must have almost periodic coefficients. This statement makes sense in a variety of settings; for example, discrete Schrödinger operators, Jacobi matrices, CMV matrices, and continuum Schrödinger operators.In the main body of this paper we show how to construct counterexamples to the Kotani-Last conjecture for continuum Schrödinger operators by adapting the approach developed by Volberg and Yuditskii to construct counterexamples to the Kotani-Last conjecture for Jacobi matrices. This approach relates the reflectionless operators associated with the prescribed spectrum to a family of character-automorphic Hardy spaces and then relates the shift action on the space of operators to the resulting action on the associated characters. The key to our approach is an explicit correspondence between the space of continuum reflectionless Schrödinger operators associated with a given set and the space of reflectionless Jacobi matrices associated with a derived set. Once this correspondence is established we can rely to a large extent on the previous work of Volberg and Yuditskii to produce the resulting action on the space of characters. We analyze this action and identify situations where we can observe absolute continuity without almost periodicity.In the appendix we show how to implement this strategy and obtain analogous results for extended CMV matrices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)738-781
Number of pages44
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
StatePublished - 30 Apr 2016
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Elsevier Inc.


D. D. would like to express his gratitude to the Institut für Analysis, Abteilung für Dynamische Systeme und Approximationstheorie at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz for the hospitality during a visit in the spring of 2014 where this work was done, and for financial support through the Austrian Science Fund FWF, project no.: P22025-N18 .

FundersFunder number
Austrian Science Fund FWFP22025-N18
Institut für Analysis, Abteilung für Dynamische Systeme und Approximationstheorie


    • Absolutely continuous spectrum
    • Almost-automorphic potentials
    • Almost-periodic potentials
    • Character-automorphic Hardy spaces
    • Ergodic Schrödinger operators


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