Corrigendum: Comparative genomics of Bacillus cereus sensu lato spp. biocontrol strains in correlation to in-vitro phenotypes and plant pathogen antagonistic capacity(Front. Microbiol., (2023), 14, (996287), 10.3389/fmicb.2023.996287)

Maya Moshe, Chhedi Lal Gupta, Rakeshkumar Manojkumar Jain, Noa Sela, Dror Minz, Ehud Banin, Omer Frenkel, Eddie Cytryn

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

1 Scopus citations


In the published article, there was an error in the author list, and author Rakeshkumar Manojkumar Jain was erroneously excluded. The corrected author list appears below. Maya Moshe, Chhedi Lal Gupta, Rakeshkumar Manojkumar Jain1, Noa Sela, Dror Minz, Ehud Banin, Omer Frenkel, and Eddie Cytryn. 1Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, Rishon-Lezion, Israel The correct author contributions section appears below: MM: conducted experiments, data and bioinformatics analyses, and wrote manuscript. CG: bioinformatics analysis. NS: genome assembly. DM: project idea and funding acquisition. EB: supervision. EC: experimental design, supervision, funding acquisition, writing, and revisions. OF: participating in experimental design, supervision, funding acquisition, writing, and revisions. RJ: isolation and conducting of the initial in-vitro antifungal analysis on three of the five bacteria investigated in the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1271554
JournalFrontiers in Microbiology
StatePublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2023 Moshe, Gupta, Jain, Sela, Minz, Banin, Frenkel and Cytryn.


  • biocontrol agent
  • chitinase
  • comparative genomics
  • phytopathogen
  • secondary metabolites
  • zwittermicin


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