Correlation between success in specialty examinations and learning methods of family medicine residents

N. Notzer, D. Megiddo, R. Abramowitz, M. Weingarten

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Learning methods chosen by residents in family medicine during their residency and the correlation between them and achievement in the written specialty exams (Stage 1) were investigated. The learning patterns studied were: structured learning (certification course, study with a tutor, staff meetings, conferences) and self-learning (textbooks, journals, the Hebrew publication "Update," and audio tapes). Of 184 residents who took the examination in 1994-5. 104 responded to a questionnaire as to preferences for the various learning aids and satisfaction with their use. There was no correlation between use of a given learning method and success in the examination. Significantly more candidates preferred self-learning, especially among those who were successful, but also among some who failed the examination. There was no direct connection between the examination and the high level requirements of the residency program, for which up-to-date, integrated knowledge based on self-learning is needed.

Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)227-229, 246
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Feb 1998
Externally publishedYes


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