Converging evolution leads to near maximal junction diversity through parallel mechanisms in B and T cell receptors

Jennifer I.C. Benichou, Jeroen W.J. Van Heijst, Jacob Glanville, Yoram Louzoun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


T and B cell receptor (TCR and BCR) complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) genetic diversity is produced through multiple diversification and selection stages. Potential holes in the CDR3 repertoire were argued to be linked to immunodeficiencies and diseases. In contrast with BCRs, TCRs have practically no Dβ germline genetic diversity, and the question emerges as to whether they can produce a diverse CDR3 repertoire. In order to address the genetic diversity of the adaptive immune system, appropriate quantitative measures for diversity and large-scale sequencing are required. Such a diversity method should incorporate the complex diversification mechanisms of the adaptive immune response and the BCR and TCR loci structure. We combined large-scale sequencing and diversity measures to show that TCRs have a near maximal CDR3 genetic diversity. Specifically, TCR have a larger junctional and V germline diversity, which starts more 5′ in Vβ than BCRs. Selection decreases the TCR repertoire diversity, but does not affect BCR repertoire. As a result, TCR is as diverse as BCR repertoire, with a biased CDR3 length toward short TCRs and long BCRs. These differences suggest parallel converging evolutionary tracks to reach the required diversity to avoid holes in the CDR3 repertoire.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045003
JournalPhysical Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 15 Jun 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd.


The work of JB was funded by a scholarship from the Bar Ilan University and by an ISF grant 938/15. JWJvH was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; Veni grant 91614038).

FundersFunder number
Bar-Ilan University
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek91614038
Israel Science Foundation938/15


    • CDR3
    • diversity
    • entropy
    • junction
    • next generation sequencing
    • selection


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