Contributors to young drivers’ driving styles – A comparison between Israel and Queensland

Vera Skvirsky, Orit Taubman Ben-Ari, Timothy J. Greenbury, Carlo G. Prato

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Among the numerous factors that contribute to young novice drivers’ driving styles, personality characteristics, sociodemographic variables, family atmosphere, and friends’ norms are known to have an important impact. However, cross-cultural comparisons are relatively rare in the safety literature concerning young drivers. This study aimed at comparing young drivers from Israel and Queensland (Australia) and examining the contribution of personality, sociodemographic, family and friends’ aspects to their driving styles (reckless and careless; hostile and angry; anxious; patient and careful). More specifically, this study examined the associations between young drivers’ driving style and their perceptions of separation-individuation, the family climate for road safety, and the safe driving climate among friends. We also examined sociodemographic and driving history variables such as gender, the marital status of parents, and personal exposure to traffic crashes. The study consisted of two samples of male and female young drivers (age 17–22) from Israel (n = 160) and Queensland (n = 160), who completed a set of valid and reliable self-report questionnaires. Findings indicate that in general, maladaptive driving styles are associated with lower family tendency to engage in promoting road safety, higher pressure and costs of driving with peers, and unhealthier separation-individuation aspects. The opposite is observed for the patient and careful driving style that relates to higher engagement of the family in road safety, lower pressure from friends, and healthier separation-individuation. Some differences were found regarding specific styles between the two samples. In addition, women scored lower than men in the reckless and careless style, and higher (in the Israeli sample) in the anxious as well as the patient and careful styles. Overall, similarities in the associations between the study variables in the samples exceed the differences, and the importance of examining variables on multi-levels when referring to young drivers’ driving styles, is confirmed. The findings attest to the universal utility of the MDSI, together with the understanding that only a wider examination of personal and environmental contributors enables true insights into the complex behavior of driving among young drivers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-54
Number of pages8
JournalAccident Analysis and Prevention
StatePublished - Dec 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd


  • Driving styles
  • Family climate for road safety
  • Safe driving climate among friends
  • Separation-individuation
  • Young drivers


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