CD133-positive hematopoietic stem cell "sternness" genes contain many genes mutated or abnormally expressed in leukemia

Amos Toren, Bella Bielorai, Jasmine Jacob-Hirsch, Tamar Fisher, Doron Kreiser, Orit Moran, Sharon Zeligson, David Givol, Assif Yitzhaky, Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor, Iris Kventsel, Esther Rosenthal, Ninette Amariglio, Gideon Rechavi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


Affymetrix human Hu133A oligonucleotide arrays were used to study the expression profile of CD133+ cord blood (CB) and peripheral blood (PB) using CD133 cell-surface marker. An unsupervised hierarchical clustering of 14,025 valid probe sets showed a clear distinction between the CD133 + cells representing the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) population and CD133-differentiated cells. Two hundred forty-four genes were found to be upregulated by at least twofold in the CD133-positive cells of both CB and PB compared with the CD133-negative cells. These genes represent the hematopoietic "stemness," whereas the 218 and 304 upregulated genes exclusively in PB and CB, respectively, represent tissue specificity. Some of the stemness genes were also common to HSC genes found to be upregulated in several recently published studies. Among these common sternness genes, we identified several groups of genes that have an important role in hematopoiesis: growth factor receptors, transcription factors, genes that have an important role in development, and genes involved in cell growth. Sixteen selected sternness genes are known to be mutated or abnormally regulated in acute leukemias. It can be suggested that key hematopoietic stemness machinery genes may lead to abnormal proliferation and leukemia upon mutation or change of their expression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1142-1153
Number of pages12
JournalStem Cells
Issue number8
StatePublished - Sep 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Cord blood
  • Gene expression
  • Hematopoietic stem cells
  • Peripheral blood
  • Stemness


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