Canonical transformation of potential model hamiltonian mechanics to geometrical form I

Yosef Strauss, Lawrence P. Horwitz, Jacob Levitan, Asher Yahalom

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1 Scopus citations


Using the methods of symplectic geometry, we establish the existence of a canonical transformation from potential model Hamiltonians of standard form in a Euclidean space to an equivalent geometrical form on a manifold, where the corresponding motions are along geodesic curves. The advantage of this representation is that it admits the computation of geodesic deviation as a test for local stability, shown in recent previous studies to be a very effective criterion for the stability of the orbits generated by the potential model Hamiltonian. We describe here an algorithm for finding the generating function for the canonical transformation and describe some of the properties of this mapping under local diffeomorphisms. We give a convergence proof for this algorithm for the one-dimensional case, and provide a precise geometric formulation of geodesic deviation which relates the stability of the motion in the geometric form to that of the Hamiltonian standard form. We apply our methods to a simple one-dimensional harmonic oscillator and conclude with a discussion of the relation of bounded domains in the two representations for which Morse theory would be applicable.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1009
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 by the authors.


  • Classical hamiltonian dynamics
  • Geodesic deviation
  • Geometric representation
  • Stability
  • Symplectomorphism


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