Boxer crabs induce asexual reproduction of their associated sea anemones by splitting and intraspecific theft

Yisrael Schnytzer, Yaniv Giman, Ilan Karplus, Yair Achituv

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Crabs of the genus Lybia have the remarkable habit of holding a sea anemone in each of their claws. This partnership appears to be obligate, at least on the part of the crab. The present study focuses on Lybia leptochelis from the Red Sea holding anemones of the genus Alicia (family Aliciidae). These anemones have not been found free living, only in association with L. leptochelis. In an attempt to understand how the crabs acquire them, we conducted a series of behavioral experiments and molecular analyses. Laboratory observations showed that the removal of one anemone from a crab induces a "splitting" behavior, whereby the crab tears the remaining anemone into two similar parts, resulting in a complete anemone in each claw after regeneration. Furthermore, when two crabs, one holding anemones and one lacking them, are confronted, the crabs fight, almost always leading to the "theft" of a complete anemone or anemone fragment by the crab without them. Following this, crabs "split" their lone anemone into two. Individuals of Alicia sp. removed from freshly collected L. leptochelis were used for DNA analysis. By employing AFLP (Fluorescence Amplified Fragments Length Polymorphism) it was shown that each pair of anemones from a given crab is genetically identical. Furthermore, there is genetic identity between most pairs of anemone held by different crabs, with the others showing slight genetic differences. This is a unique case in which one animal induces asexual reproduction of another, consequently also affecting its genetic diversity.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2954
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Schnytzer et al.


  • AFLP
  • Asexual reproduction
  • Boxer crabs
  • Lybia
  • Sea anemone
  • Symbiosis


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