Apparatus and method for agent-based feedback collection in a data broadcasting network

E David (Inventor), S Kipnis (Inventor), S Kraus (Inventor), D Richardson (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A system for collecting user feedback in a data broadcasting system, the system for collecting user feedback including a multiplicity of user profile agents, each user profile agent being associated with one of a multiplicity of users of the data broadcasting system and being operative to create a user profile based on activity of the one user, a user profile subsystem associated with a plurality of user profile agents chosen from among the multiplicity of user profile agents and operative to derive an integrated user profile based on the plurality of user profiles created by the plurality of user profile agents, and a broadcasting agent operatively associated with a broadcast center of the data broadcasting system and in operative communication with the user profile subsystem and receiving therefrom the integrated user profile.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number6,449,632
StatePublished - 2002


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