Anomalous temperature dependence of the resistivity of some intermetallic compounds

M. Weger, R. A. De Groot, F. M. Mueller, M. Kaveh

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15 Scopus citations


The resistivity rho of some intermetallic compounds such as Nb 3Sn, V3Si, UAl2, etc. has an anomaly at a temperature T0 near 100K. The resistivity rises steeply with T below T0 and less steeply above it. Here the authors account for this anomalous temperature dependence using the 'classical' s-d model. Below T 0 the s-like and d-like states are hybridised by a small electronic matrix element Jsd (Jsd approximately=10-50 meV) and the electron-phonon coupling constant lambda is large. Above T0 the electron-phonon scattering rate h(cross)/ tau exceeds Jsd, and the s-like and d-like states are decoupled. The electrical conductivity is then due mainly to the s-like states which possess a smaller electron-phonon coupling constant lambda , giving rise to a smaller value of d rho /dT. The anomaly occurs when the mean free path l is about an order of magnitude larger than the interatomic spacing d.

Original languageEnglish
Article number003
Pages (from-to)L207-L213
JournalJournal of Physics F: Metal Physics
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes


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