Angular Dependence of the Magnetoresistance of the SrTiO/LaAlO Interface

S Seri, E. Shimshoni, S Paetel, J Mannhart, L. Klein

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We study the magnetoresistance (MR) of the quasi-2-D electron liquid at the interface that forms between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 as a function of the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic field. We find that at T ý 60 K, the MR is described by a + b cos2 ý + c sin2 ý cos2 ý, where ý is the angle between the field and the film normal and ý is the angle between the in-plane component of the field and the current. For ý = 0ý (field perpendicular to the plane), we show that the MR obeys Kohler's rule while for ý = 90ý (field in the plane) the MR is significantly smaller, and it is almost temperature independent, suggesting it is dominated by interface scattering.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)1630-1632
JournalIEEE Transaction on Magnetics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2010


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