A novel ultrasound-assisted approach to the synthesis of CdSe and CdS nanoparticles

Hong Liang Li, Ying Chun Zhu, Si Guang Chen, Oleg Palchik, Jin Ping Xiong, Yuri Koltypin, Yosef Gofer, Aharon Gedanken

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

77 Scopus citations


Hexagonal CdSe and hexagonal CdS nanoparticles have been prepared using Cd(Ac)2 and less hazardous elemental Se or S as precursors, respectively, with the aid of ultrasound irradiation under an atmosphere of H2/Ar (5/95, V/V). The products consist of 7-10nm nanocrystallites which aggregated in the form of polydispersive nanoclusters with sizes in the range 30-40nm in the case of CdSe, and near monodispersive nanoclusters with a mean size of about 40nm in the case of CdS. X-ray diffraction, high-resolution TEM and SAED patterns (selected area electron diffraction patterns) show that the as-prepared particles are well crystallized. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements further confirm the formation of CdSe and CdS. Diffuse reflection spectra indicate that both the CdSe and the CdS nanocryslallites are direct band-gap semiconductors with band-gap values of about 1.83 and 2.62eV, respectively. Control experiments demonstrate that the hydrogen is the reducing agent, and the extreme high temperature induced by the collapse of the bubble accelerates the reduction of elemental Se or S by hydrogen. An ultrasound assisted in situ reduction/combination mechanism is proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)102-110
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Solid State Chemistry
Issue number1
StatePublished - Apr 2003

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Li H. L. thanks the Bar-Ilan Research Authority for a post-doctoral fellowship. Zhu Y. C. thanks the Kort 100 Scholarship Foundation for supporting his postdoctoral fellowships. Gedanken A. thanks the German Ministry of Science for the support of this work through the Deutche-Israeli DIP program. The authors are grateful to Prof. Deutsch, M., Department of Physics and Mrs. Judy, Department of Life Science, for extending the use of their facilities to us. We thank Dr. Shifra Hochberg for editorial assistance. Kind assistance from Mrs. Avivi S., Dr. Kumar V. Ganesh, Mr. Pol Vilas G., Mr. Motiei Menachem and Mr. Grisaru Haviv is gratefully acknowledged.


Li H. L. thanks the Bar-Ilan Research Authority for a post-doctoral fellowship. Zhu Y. C. thanks the Kort 100 Scholarship Foundation for supporting his postdoctoral fellowships. Gedanken A. thanks the German Ministry of Science for the support of this work through the Deutche-Israeli DIP program. The authors are grateful to Prof. Deutsch, M., Department of Physics and Mrs. Judy, Department of Life Science, for extending the use of their facilities to us. We thank Dr. Shifra Hochberg for editorial assistance. Kind assistance from Mrs. Avivi S., Dr. Kumar V. Ganesh, Mr. Pol Vilas G., Mr. Motiei Menachem and Mr. Grisaru Haviv is gratefully acknowledged.

FundersFunder number
Bar-Ilan Research Authority
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


    • CdS
    • CdSe
    • DRS
    • Nanoparticles
    • TEM
    • Ultrasound
    • XPS
    • XRD


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