A model for the planning of new settlement projects

Raanan Weitz, David Pelley, Levia Applebaum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


A comparative study of new settlement projects revealed a common failure to realize full employment potentials owing to reliance on agriculture alone. The present study proposes a method of increasing employment potentials, using a simulation model of multisectoral projects. The model comprises 18 prototypes, based on different combinations of ecological conditions, number of settlers and level of income. Employment potentials in industry and services are calculated by applying appropriate ‘multiplying-factor’ coefficients to agricultural employment capacity. The results indicate that greater employment potentials are realized in multisectoral projects. Moreover, efficiency of employment generation increases with the increase in the level of planned income and the size of the project, as indicated by greater employment density per unit of cultivated area and lower investment per employment unit.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)705-723
Number of pages19
JournalTopics in Catalysis
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
8. The data on which the model rests derive from many sources, including the projects analysed in the present study and the following sources: Agricultural Development Company (International) Ltd., Crete Development Plan, 1965-1975 (Tel Aviv: 1965); Y. Arbel, Model o.f Integrated Regional Planning - Piura-Tumbes Region (Peru) (Rehovot: Settlement Study Centre, 1976). mimeo, Hebrew; Y. Arbel, D. Bruhis, D. Erel, L. Kam and D. Rahat, Mode10 de Planificacion de1 Desarrollo Integral de la Region Cuadrangular de1 Proyecto Esmeraldas (Rehovot, Israel: Centro de Estudios de Colonization Rural y Urbano, 1976), mimeo; 1. Elazari-Volcani, The Fel-Iah’s Farm (Tel-Aviv: Institute of Agriculture and Natural History, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin IO, 1930); Joint Agriculture and Settlement Planning Center, The Profitability of Moshatl Farms (Tel A&: 1959) mimeo. Hebrew; FAO Production Yearbooks (Rome: 1972, 1973, 1974); S. Kuznets, Economic Growth of Nations; Total Output and Production Structure (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1971); 1. Prion, Region ACU Apodi, Brazil (1974), unpublished MS.; 0. Schulz, D. Bruhis and I. Prion, Estudio y Diagnostic0 de1 Desarrollo Urban0 - Rural integrado por Etapas, para la Costa Atlantica de Colombia, 1975 -1990 (Washington: Organization de 10s Estados Americanos, Programa de Desarrollo Rural, 1975): Turkey, Regional Planning Department, Ministry of Recon&&on and PlanninE. (1964-I967), Keban Development Plan, unpublished memoranda (mimeo); UNDP, Northern Region of Thailand - Development Plan Chiang Rai Sub-Region: Main Report (Tel Aviv: Institute for Planning and Development, n.d.); Venezuela. lnstituto Agrario National, Plan de Desarrollo Integral de1 Valle de Aroa (San Felipe: 1972); R. Weitz. Arricultural Settlement Towards the Year 1980 (Jerusalem: Settlement Department of the Jewish Agency, 1971), mimeo, Hebrew.


8. The data on which the model rests derive from many sources, including the projects analysed in the present study and the following sources: Agricultural Development Company (International) Ltd., Crete Development Plan, 1965-1975 (Tel Aviv: 1965); Y. Arbel, Model o.f Integrated Regional Planning - Piura-Tumbes Region (Peru) (Rehovot: Settlement Study Centre, 1976). mimeo, Hebrew; Y. Arbel, D. Bruhis, D. Erel, L. Kam and D. Rahat, Mode10 de Planificacion de1 Desarrollo Integral de la Region Cuadrangular de1 Proyecto Esmeraldas (Rehovot, Israel: Centro de Estudios de Colonization Rural y Urbano, 1976), mimeo; 1. Elazari-Volcani, The Fel-Iah’s Farm (Tel-Aviv: Institute of Agriculture and Natural History, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin IO, 1930); Joint Agriculture and Settlement Planning Center, The Profitability of Moshatl Farms (Tel A&: 1959) mimeo. Hebrew; FAO Production Yearbooks (Rome: 1972, 1973, 1974); S. Kuznets, Economic Growth of Nations; Total Output and Production Structure (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1971); 1. Prion, Region ACU Apodi, Brazil (1974), unpublished MS.; 0. Schulz, D. Bruhis and I. Prion, Estudio y Diagnostic0 de1 Desarrollo Urban0 - Rural integrado por Etapas, para la Costa Atlantica de Colombia, 1975 -1990 (Washington: Organization de 10s Estados Americanos, Programa de Desarrollo Rural, 1975): Turkey, Regional Planning Department, Ministry of Recon&&on and PlanninE. (1964-I967), Keban Development Plan, unpublished memoranda (mimeo); UNDP, Northern Region of Thailand - Development Plan Chiang Rai Sub-Region: Main Report (Tel Aviv: Institute for Planning and Development, n.d.); Venezuela. lnstituto Agrario National, Plan de Desarrollo Integral de1 Valle de Aroa (San Felipe: 1972); R. Weitz. Arricultural Settlement Towards the Year 1980 (Jerusalem: Settlement Department of the Jewish Agency, 1971), mimeo, Hebrew.

FundersFunder number
Ministry of Recon&&on and PlanninE
Programa de Desarrollo Rural
Regional Planning Department


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