A comparison of whole-genome shotgun-derived mouse chromosome 16 and the human genome

R. J. Mural, M. D. Adams, E. W. Myers, H. O. Smith, G. L. Gabor Miklos, R. Wides, A. Halpern, P. W. Li, G. G. Sutton, J. Nadeau, S. L. Salzberg, R. A. Holt, C. D. Kodira, F. Lu, L. Chen, Z. Deng, C. C. Evangelista, W. Gan, T. J. Heiman, J. LiZ. Li, G. V. Merkulov, N. V. Milshina, A. K. Naik, R. Qi, B. Chris Shue, A. Wang, J. Wang, X. Wang, X. Yan, J. Ye, S. Yooseph, Q. Zhao, L. Zheng, S. C. Zhu, K. Biddick, R. Bolanos, A. L. Delcher, I. M. Dew, D. Fasulo, M. J. Flanigan, D. H. Huson, S. A. Kravitz, J. R. Miller, C. M. Mobarry, K. Reinert, K. A. Remington, Q. Zhang, X. H. Zheng, D. R. Nusskern, Z. Lai, Y. Lei, W. Zhong, A. Yao, P. Guan, R. R. Ji, Z. Gu, Z. Y. Wang, F. Zhong, C. Xiao, C. C. Chiang, M. Yandell, J. R. Wortman, P. G. Amanatides, S. L. Hladun, E. C. Pratts, J. E. Johnson, K. L. Dodson, K. J. Woodford, C. A. Evans, B. Gropman, D. B. Rusch, E. Venter, M. Wang, T. J. Smith, J. T. Houck, D. E. Tompkins, C. Haynes, D. Jacob, S. H. Chin, D. R. Allen, C. E. Dahlke, R. Sanders, K. Li, X. Liu, A. A. Levitsky, W. H. Majoros, Q. Chen, A. C. Xia, J. R. Lopez, M. T. Donnelly, M. H. Newman, A. Glodek, C. L. Kraft, M. Nodell, F. Ali, H. J. An, D. Baldwin-Pitts, K. Y. Beeson, S. Cai, M. Carnes, A. Carver, P. M. Caulk, A. Center, Y. H. Chen, M. L. Cheng, M. D. Coyne, M. Crowder, S. Danaher, L. B. Davenport, R. Desilets, S. M. Dietz, L. Doup, P. Dullaghan, S. Ferriera, C. R. Fosler, H. C. Gire, A. Gluecksmann, J. D. Gocayne, J. Gray, B. Hart, J. Haynes, J. Hoover, T. Howland, C. Ibegwam, M. Jalali, D. Johns, L. Kline, D. S. Ma, S. MacCawley, A. Magoon, F. Mann, D. May, T. C. McIntosh, S. Mehta, L. Moy, M. C. Moy, B. J. Murphy, S. D. Murphy, K. A. Nelson, Z. Nuri, K. A. Parker, A. C. Prudhomme, V. N. Puri, H. Qureshi, J. C. Raley, M. S. Reardon, M. A. Regier, Yu H.C. Rogers, D. L. Romblad, J. Schutz, J. L. Scott, R. Scott, C. D. Sitter, M. Smallwood, A. C. Sprague, E. Stewart, R. V. Strong, E. Suh, K. Sylvester, R. Thomas, N. Ni Tint, C. Tsonis, G. Wang, G. Wang, M. S. Williams, S. M. Williams, S. M. Windsor, K. Wolfe, M. M. Wu, J. Zaveri, K. Chaturvedi, A. E. Gabrielian, Z. Ke, J. Sun, G. Subramanian, J. Craig Venter

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309 Scopus citations


The high degree of similarity between the mouse and human genomes is demonstrated through analysis of the sequence of mouse chromosome 16 (Mmu 16), which was obtained as part of a whole-genome shotgun assembly of the mouse genome. The mouse genome is about 10% smaller than the human genome, owing to a lower repetitive DNA content. Comparison of the structure and protein-coding potential of Mmu 16 with that of the homologous segments of the human genome identifies regions of conserved synteny with human chromosomes (Hsa) 3, 8, 12, 16, 21, and 22. Gene content and order are highly conserved between Mmu 16 and the syntenic blocks of the human genome. Of the 731 predicted genes on Mmu 16, 509 align with orthologs on the corresponding portions of the human genome, 44 are likely paralogous to these genes, and 164 genes have homologs elsewhere in the human genome; there are 14 genes for which we could find no human counterpart.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1661-1671
Number of pages11
Issue number5573
StatePublished - 31 May 2002


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