שואת יהודי יוון בספרות הלאדינו

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Based on a lecture delivered at the conference "Remembering for the Future II" (Berlin, 1994). Discusses the representation of the Holocaust experiences of Jews from Greece, especially from Salonika, in Judeo-Spanish writings (including memoirs) composed by Holocaust survivors living in Israel and in writings of the second generation (mainly poetry) in Hebrew.
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)140-147
Number of pages8
Journalמחניים; במה למחקר, להגות ולתרבות יהודית
StatePublished - 1994

RAMBI Publications

  • RAMBI Publications
  • Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in literature
  • Ladino literature -- History and criticism
  • Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Greece
  • Ladino literature
  • Ladino poetry

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