קדושה דינמית או קדושה סטטית? לאפיון הקדושה ברבדים הכוהניים ובספר דברים בעקבות שיטת משה ויינפלד

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


There are several differences between the Priestly Schools and Deuteronomy regarding the cultic laws and the presuppositions of ritual and impurity. Both sources regard differently the relationship between the priesthood and the laity and access to the sacred. The fundamental reason that lies at the base of these different cultic systems is distinct perceptions of holiness. The difference is not in the concept of what is holy and what is profane, but rather in the understanding of what holiness really is. The Priestly Schools view holiness as dynamic, sensitive, and dangerous, maintaining that access to the sacred should be limited. In contrast, in Deuteronomy holiness is static, and access to the sacred is far less restricted, since it is not dangerous or threatening. In other words, in Deuteronomy holiness is not an active entity but a status. These opposing world-views regarding the holy are actually related to general conceptions about the character of the relationship between humans and nature, on the one hand, and between man and God, on the other hand.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)51-74
Number of pages24
JournalShnaton - An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
StatePublished - 2004

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Bible -- Deuteronomy
  • Cohanim
  • Holiness
  • Jewish law
  • Priests, Jewish
  • Worship in the Bible
  • כוהנים וכהונה
  • משפט המקרא
  • עבודת הקדש במקרא
  • קדושה
  • תנ"ך. דברים


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