על מועדי אזכור גשמים ושאלתם בתפילה לדרכי עריכת המשנה

Translated title of the contribution: On the Dates of Mentioning Rain and Their Request in Prayer: Towards an Understanding of the Mishnah’s Arrangement

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This article proposes a reconstruction of the Babylonian perspective on the relations of R. Hiyya and Rabbi. We argues that shared motifs, structures and expressions justify reading a group of scattered traditions and stories as if they belong to a single cluster, which may be read coherently. A comparison to parallel traditions in rabbinic compilations from the land of Israel shows the Babylonian character of this reconstructed story. Thus, this story should not be read as reflecting the actual history of the Tannaim, but rather as expressing contrasting values and impressions that were later associated with the figures of Rabbi and Rabbi Hiyya. Rabbi represents tough political leadership, which is expressed, among other things, by restricting the spread of Torah study and by Messianic
Translated title of the contributionOn the Dates of Mentioning Rain and Their Request in Prayer: Towards an Understanding of the Mishnah’s Arrangement
Original languageHebrew
Title of host publicationספר יעקב נאמן
Editorsיעקב נאמן, אהרן ברק, דוד גליקסברג
Place of Publicationצפרירים
Number of pages26
ISBN (Print)9789657832005
StatePublished - 2023

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Baraita
  • Jewish law
  • Mishnah -- Ta'anit
  • Rain and rainfall -- Religious aspects -- Judaism
  • Talmud Bavli -- Ta'anit


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