מודל אקולוגי להסבר הקשר בין מוקדי עוצמה לבריאות נפשית: ניתוח משווה בין פורשים לפורשות מהעבודה

Translated title of the contribution: An Ecological Model to Explain the Relationship Between Empowerment Anchors and Mental Health Among Retirees: Gender Differences

ליאת קוליק

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aims: The study examined the contribution of empowerment anchors to explaining mental health among retirees from a gender perspective.The empowerment anchors converged into three ecological systems: the chrono-system that included the assessment of the gains in resources after retirement compared to the working period, and satisfaction with work in the past; The micro-system included spousal power relations and the presence of a confidant in the retiree life, and the ontogenic-system that included a sense of meaning in life and an assessment of the level of absolute resources. Method: The research sample consisted of 160 retirees up to eight years after retirement, of which 78 were women and 82 were men. The data were collected by the Panels Research Institute from a database of members of he institute via an online link sent to Panel members (Panel4All). Findings: The findings indicated that the assessment of the gain in resources after retirement, the sense of meaning in life, satisfaction with past work, and the level of absolute resources were related to mental health in retirement among both genders. Furthermore, the more the husbands were involved in household and decision-making, the better the mental health was among both men and women. Retired women reported a lower level of mental health and satisfaction with past work in comparison with men. Men assessed more than women that they take an active part in household and decision-making. The proportion of men for whom their wives are confidants is higher than the proportion of women for whom their husbands are confidants. Conclusions: In comparison with women, men enjoy more empowerment anchors and profits during the retirement period. Based on the findings, recommendations are suggested to professionals accompanying retirees.
Translated title of the contributionAn Ecological Model to Explain the Relationship Between Empowerment Anchors and Mental Health Among Retirees: Gender Differences
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)101-128
Number of pages28
Journalגרונטולוגיה וגריאטריה: כתב-עת בנושאי הזיקנה
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2023

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Families
  • Job satisfaction
  • Man-woman relationships
  • Meaning (Psychology)
  • Power (Social sciences)
  • Quality of life -- Aging
  • Retirement
  • Sex
  • Well-being


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