"ואמרתי לעצמי, וואו זה מטורף שהרב מוכן לעשות משהו כזה כדי לעזור לי": על מערכת היחסים שבין הרב הפוגע לנפגע הדתי

Translated title of the contribution: “I said to myself, wow it’s crazy that the rabbi is willing to do something like this to help me”: The relationship between the abusing rabbi and the abused religious man

יאיר קרינקין, גיא אנוש, רחל דקל

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Clergy Perpetrated Sexual Abuse (CPSA) is a widespread phenomenon, with many implications for the victims. To date, no qualitative research investigating Israeli national-religious men who were sexually abused by rabbis in adolescence or in emerging adulthood has been conducted.Aims: This article seeks to describe the unique relationship between abused national-religious men and abusive rabbis.Methods: Using the construction-phenomenological paradigm, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with eight men who had been abused by different rabbis at various time periods.Findings: The study revealed a variety of consequences in the lives of the victims as a result of the sexual abuse. This article focuses on three chronologically arranged themes, and deals with the unique relationship between them: the significance of the relationship between the religious victim and the rabbi before the abuse; the different ways in which the victims understood the rabbi’s incorporation of physical elements into the relationship; and the victim’s attitude towards the abusive rabbi after recognizing the abuse.Implications for theory and practice: This preliminary study opens a window into the complex relationship between the abused religious man and the abusive rabbi. The findings of this study constitute a foundation for understanding this unique abuse, as well as for additional research and for establishing intervention techniques that will assist these victims.
Translated title of the contribution“I said to myself, wow it’s crazy that the rabbi is willing to do something like this to help me”: The relationship between the abusing rabbi and the abused religious man
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)384-407
Number of pages24
Journalחברה ורווחה: רבעון לעבודה סוציאלית
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2021

IHP Publications

  • ihp


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