הישוב היהודי בדרום הר-חברון - הערות היסטוריות

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The excavations of A. Negev at Hurvat Susiyya have added much to our understanding of a region whose history is difficult to determine. Negev's attempt to identify Susiyya with Carmel (Kάρμηλος), 'a village of Jews' according to the Onomasticon of Eusebius, seemingly requires a re-evaluation of the history of both Susiyya and Roman-Byzantine Chermala (H. el-Karmil) located hearby. Negev's identification and subsequent historical reconstruction are based on his excavations as well as on literary sources — in particular the Onomasticon of Eusebius. The author examines Negev's use of the relevant literary sources as well as his historical interpretations, and shows that his identification of Susiyya is incorrect. The author then briefly presents his own interpretation of the history of Jewish settlement in the Susiyya region.
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)94-98
Number of pages5
Journalקתדרה: לתולדות ארץ-ישראל וישובה
StatePublished - 1991

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Eretz Israel -- History -- 70-638, Destruction of the Second Temple to rise of Islam
  • Hebron Region (West Bank)
  • Susya (West Bank) -- Antiquities
  • אזור חברון
  • ארץ-ישראל -- היסטוריה -- תקופת המשנה-תלמוד (70-550 לספירה)
  • חורבת סוסיה

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