איגרת השמד: לטיב תוכנה ההלכתי ולייחוסה לרמב"ם

Translated title of the contribution: Iggeret ha-Shemad (The Epistle of Martyrdom): Its Halakhic Validity and Its Attribution to Maimonides

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Iggeret ha-Shemad (The Epistle of Martyrdom) (or 'Essay on Kiddush HaShem') is a fascinating medieval document, which was concerned with questions of life and death and it is evident that it was written in the blood of its author's heart. The subject of the letter is the proper response of the Jews to the decree of annihilation that the Almohad rule in the Maghreb of the 12th century decreed for their people. The cruel choice that was presented to the non-Muslims, as long as they did not leave the area of ​​the Almohad rule, was to convert to Islam, through the declaration of faith in Islam (the 'Shahada') - or to kill. Many Jews made the required declaration ("There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"), but in secret they continued to maintain their Judaism. One of the sages of the time wrote a sharp letter, in which he stated: in the choice between the declaration of faith in Islam and death It is obligatory to choose the latter; the one who declares this is important as a Gentile, and all the mitzvot that he observes in secret after the declaration is of no importance, and if he prays as a Jew, then the letter of annihilation was issued against these things in a sharp polemic , which first of all cancels the qualifications and credibility of the said respondent; and the letter states: it is permissible to declare faith in Islam, and there is no sanction for this; the fulfillment of the mitzvot after forced conversion to Islam is a great reward from God; but it is a great duty To escape from the lands of annihilation and not to be tempted by various excuses to continue a life of torture.
Translated title of the contributionIggeret ha-Shemad (The Epistle of Martyrdom): Its Halakhic Validity and Its Attribution to Maimonides
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)109-146
Number of pages38
Journalדיני ישראל
StatePublished - 2019

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Conversion
  • Isaac ben Sheshet Perfet -- 1326-1408
  • Islam
  • Jewish philosophy -- Middle Ages, 500-1500
  • Judaism -- Relations -- Paganism
  • Martyrdom -- Judaism
  • Rape


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